By November, 1971, Amtrak was ready for some new Wisconsin trains. Added were Hiawatha trains to the Twin Cities; North Coast Hiawatha trains to Seattle via Southern Montana; and St. Louis service through Chicago to Milwaukee. Things were looking up for Wisconsin"s rail passenger service!
The first vestiges of Amtrak paint slowly appeared in 1972 and in 1973 there were brand new Amtrak engines. However, mismatched "Rainbow" consists were still the rule. GM&O heavyweight parlor cars often appeared as did Denver, Kansas City and California Zephyr Silver dome-observation cars. Soon the E and F locomotives would disappear forever, but in these vintage years they still dominated the trains.
Early Amtrak Across Wisconsin follows Amtrak from the Twin Cities to Southern Wisconsin in the years 1971-73. Locations include such railroading hot spots as St. Croix Junction south of St. Paul, La Crosse, and Duplainville Tower west of Milwaukee. There are scenic views along the Mississippi River and many photo locations in the metro Milwaukee area. The Amtrak trains you will see include:
Also included are views of pre-Amtrak trains along the Burlington Northern"s now freight-only Mississippi River Route, the Milwaukee Road"s commuter Cannonball, and many freights on the Milwaukee, BN, and SOO Lines. The 1972 and 1973 Schlitz Brewing Circus Trains appear. Finally, we see Amtrak"s City of New Orleans, South Wind, Super Chief, and others in the metro Chicago area. You"ll find great variety in this look at Early Amtrak Across Wisconsin!
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