Product Description
The desolate beauty of Santa Fe's New Mexico mainline over the Belen Cutoff comes alive in Broadcast Video and Stereo Sound in this program from WB Video. It's non-stop action from Belen, the busy western terminal of the New Mexico division, to the top of the grade at Mountainair and across the high desert to Clovis, New Mexico. At the west end of Abo Canyon long Santa Fe trains cross the Sias Bridge high above the desert floor. At Mountainair a parade of Santa Fe power thunders past the picturesque Southwestern-style depot. The action is brisk at Dalies Junction where the Belen Cutoff and the original mainline over Raton and Glorieta Passes merge. And the SuperFleet has arrived . . . with Red and Silver Warbonnets! But you'll also get a last look at SDF 45, SD 45 and the GP 30, be gone from the Santa Fe mainline. Feel the excitement of real railroad action in this new Santa Fe program. Video by Dave Gross. Narrated by Rege Cordic. 60 minutes Color and Hi-Fi Stereo Sound. Jacket Photography by Jean Gross. Copyright 1990 WB Video Productions